
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHELONATAS(Χελωνάτας), a promontory of Achaia, and the most westerly point of the Peloponnesus, distant, according to Pliny, two miles from Cyllene. (Strab. viii. pp. 335, 338, 342; Paus. 1.2.4; Agathem. 1.5; Plin. Nat. 4.5. s. 6; Mel. 2.3.) It has been disputed whether Chelonatas corresponds to C. Glaréntza( Klaréntza) or to C. Tornése, both of them being promontories of the peninsula of Khlemútzi. There can be little doubt, however, that C. Tornése, the most southerly of the two, is the ancient Chelonatas, both because there is near it the small island mentioned by Strabo (p. 338), and because it is distant two miles from Glaréntza, the ancient Cyllene. It is probable, however, that the name Chelonatas was originally given to the whole peninsula of Khlemútzi, from its supposed resemblance to a tortoise. (Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 210.)