Chelidoniae Insulae

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHELIDO´NIAE INSULAE(Χελιδόνιαι), two rocks (Steph. B. s. v. Χελιδόνιοι), according to Phavorinus, one called Corudela, and the other Melanippeia; but the position is not mentioned. Scylax also mentions only two. According to Strabo (p. 520), the Taurus first attains a great elevation opposite to the Chelidoniae, which are islands situated at the commencement of the sea-coast of Pamphylia, or on the borders of Lycia and Pamphylia (p. 651). They were off the Hiera Acra, three in number, rugged, and of the same extent, distant about five stadia from one another, and six stadia from the coast; one of them has an anchorage or port (p. 666). Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.33), who places these islands opposite to the Tauri promontorium,mentions three, and observes that they are dangerous to navigators; but no dangers were discovered by Beaufort. There are five islands off the Hiera Acra, which is now Cape Khelidonia:two of these islands are from four to five hundred feet high; the other three are small and barren.(Beaufort, Karamania, p. 38.) The Greeks still call them Chelidoniae, of which the Italian sailors made Celidoni;and the Turks have adopted the Italian name, and call them Shelidan.
Livy (Liv. 33.41) names the Hiera Acra, or the Sacred Promontory which is opposite to the Chelidoniae, Chelidonium promontorium.