
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHI´NALAPH(Χιναλάφ,, Ptol. 4.2.5; VR. Χινάφαλ: Shellif), the largest river of Mauretania Caesariensis, and, next to the Malva, of all N. Africa, is yet only mentioned by Ptolemy, who places its source in M. Zalacus. Its chief sources are in Jebel Amur, above 34° N. lat., whence it flows nearly N. to about 36° 20′ N. lat., and there turning W. waters the great valley of the Lesser Atlas, which forms one of the most important inland districts of Algeria, and in which, upon the river, are the towns of Miliana(Maliana) and Orleansville(Castellum Tingitanum).