
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHORA or CORA, a place in Gallia, mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 16.2) as being on Julian's route from Augustodunum ( Autun) to Autosiodurum, that is, Autissiodurum ( Auxerre). This indicates the Roman road from Autunto Auxerre, for the road mentioned by Ammianus went per Sedelaucum et Choram.Sedelaucum is the Sidolocum ( Saulieu) of the Itin. Chora is therefore between Saulieuand Auxerre;and the river Cure, a branch of the Yonne, runs in the general direction of the road from Autunto Auxerre. The next station on the road to Saulieuis Aballo ( Avallon). D'Anville finds a place called Cureon the river Cure, between Avallonand Auxerre, which he supposes to be Chora. Others fix Chora at La Ville Auxerre, near St. Moré, which is also between Avallonand Auxerre(H. Vales. ad Ammian. 16.2; D'Anville, Notice, &c. Walckenaer, Géog., &c. vol. 1. p. 411, vol. 2. p. 351).

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