
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHUS(Χούς, LXX.), mentioned only in the book of Judith (7.18), where Ekrebelis said to be near Chus, which is at the torrent (i. e. the valley) of Mochmur. These localities were identified by Dr. Schultz in 1847, to the east of the road between Nablus and Jerusalem. Leaving Turmus Aya, I went by Seiloon and Kariyoot, and Jalood, and Joorîsh, to Akrabah. Akrabah is marked nearly in the right place on Robinson's Map, but it is a large village, looking very much like a town, not a ruin. Between Joorish and Akrabah, but nearer to the former, is a valley running from east to west called Wady Makh Fooriyeh. Akrabah lies north of Joorish, the two places in sight of each other. Here I think you have the Ekrebelof the book of Judith, near Khoosat the Wady (Χείμαρρος) Mokhmoor; and Khoos (Χούς) must be corrected into Χουρίς. (Schultz's Letterin Williams's Holy City, vol. i. Appendix 2. p. 469.)

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