
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CINYPS or CI´NYPHUS(Κίνυψ, Hdt. 4.175, 198; Κίνυφος, Strab. 17. p. 835: Cinifoor Wadi Quasam,) a small river of N. Africa, between the two Syrtes, rising, according to Herodotus, in the Hill of the Graces(Χαρίτων λόφος : probably the extremity of M. Ghsuriano), but, according to Ptolemy, on M. Zuchabbari, much further inland, and falling into the sea E. of Leptis Magna. The fields through which it flowed were celebrated for goats with very beautiful hair. There was a town of the same name at its mouth. (Sil. Ital., 3.275; Verg. G. 3.312; Martial (Mart. 7.94. 13, 8.51. 11; Mela, 1.7; Plin. Nat. 5.4; Ptol. 4.3. § § 13, 20, 6.11; Scylax.)

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