
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CI´SSIA(Κισσία, Hdt. 3.91, 5.49; Ptol. 6.3.3: Eth. Κίσσιοι), a district in Susiana, on both sides of the Choaspes and Eulaeus, in which was situated the town of Susa. The name is probably connected with that of the capital. Strabo (15. p. 728) states that the people of Susa were also called Cissii, and connects the name with Cissia, the mother of Memnon (Aeschyl. Pers. 17, 118). This district was in ancient times exceedingly fertile, and formed the eighth satrapy of Dareius. It was probably of nearly the same extent as the modern province of Khuzistán.