
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CITHAERON(Κιθαιρών), a range of mountains, separating Boeotia from Megaris and Attica, of which a description is given elsewhere. [ATTICA p. 321, seq.) It is said to have derived its name from Cithaeron, a mythical king of Plataeae, who assisted Zeus with his advice when Hera was angry with him. Hence the summit was sacred to the Cithaeronian Zeus, and here was celebrated the festival called Daedala. (Paus. 9.2.4, 3.1, seq.; Dict. of Ant. art. Daedala.) Cithaeron was also sacred to Dionysus, and was the scene of several celebrated legends, such as the metamorphosis of Actaeon, the death of Pentheus, and the exposure of Oedipus. The forest, which covered Cithaeron, abounded in game; and at a very early period, lions and wolves are said to have been found there. The Cithaeronian lion, slain by Alcathous, was celebrated in mythology. (Paus. 1.41.3.)

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