
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CITRUM(Κίτρον: Kítro), a place which the epitomiser of Strabo (7. p. 330) and a scholiast on Demosthenes ( Olynth. 1.1) assert to be the same as the ancient Pydna of Macedonia, but as their authority is of no great weight, and as the facts of history require a more southern position for Pydna, Leake ( North. Greece, vol. 3. p. 429) fixes the site between Pydna and Methone to the SW. of the latter city. Kítrostands at two miles from the sea, upon a low ridge; at one time it appears to have been a place of some importance, and in its churches are to be seen squared blocks of Hellenic times. Two inscriptions, which have been found on sepulchral stelaeat Kítro, are given in Leake (vol. iii. pl. xxxiii.).

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