
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

COLO´NIDES(Κολωνίδες), a town in the SW. of Messenia, described by Pausanias as standing upon a height at a short distance from the sea, and 40 stadia from Asine. The inhabitants affirmed that they were not Messenians, but a colony led from Athens by Colaenus. It is mentioned by Plutarch (Plut. Phil. 18) under the name of Colonis (Κολωνίς) as a place which Philopoemen marched to relieve; but according to the narrative of Livy (Liv. 39.49) Corone was the place towards which Philopoemen marched. [CORONE] The site of Colonides is uncertain. Leake places it upon the Messenian gulf at Kastélia, where are some remains of ancient buildings, N. of Koroni, the site of Asine; but the French commission suppose it to have stood on the bay of Phoenicus, NW. of the promontory Acritas. (Paus. 4.34. § §8, 12; Ptol. 3.15.7, who calls it Κολώνη;Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 195; Boblaye, Recherches, &c., p. 112.)