
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONDATE is the name of several Gallic towns, situated at the angle formed by the junction of two rivers; from which it may be concluded that the Gallic term had a meaning which expressed this fact. The French names Condat, Condé, or Cône, appear to be various forms of Condate.

1. Condate (Κονδάτε : Rennes), is mentioned in the Antonine Itin. and in Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.8). It was the capital of the Redones, and in the Notitia it is named Civitas Redonum, whence has come the modern name. Rennesstands at the point where the Vilainereceives a small stream.

2. Another Condate is fixed by the Itin. on the road between Melodunum ( Melun) and Agedincum ( Sens). The place was at the junction of the Yonneand the Seine;but it is now named Montereau, a corruption of Monasteriolum.

3. A third is fixed by the Itin. between Noviomagus, the chief town of the Lexovii, and Durocasses ( Dreux). This is Condé, on the Iton, at the junction of two branches of that river.

4. A fourth is fixed by the Itin. on the road from Augustodunum ( Autun) to Paris. It is placed between Nevirnum ( Nevers) and Brivodurum [BRIVODURUM]; and it corresponds to Cosne, at the confluence of the little river Nouainwith the Loire.

5. The Table places another Condate on the road between Mediolanum Santonum or Santones ( Saintes), and Vesunna or Petrocorii ( Perigueux). Cognac, on the Charente, probably represents the ancient place.

6. Ausonius ( Ep. 5.31) speaks of a Condatis portus:—Unus Domnotoni te litore perferet aestus Condatem ad portuum, si modo deproperes.
D'Anville supposes this place to be represented by Condat, an old castle near Libourne, which town is at the junction of the L'Isleand the Dordogne;nearly due east of Bordeaux.

7. The Table places another Condate in the country of the Gabali, west of the Cevenna, and on the road from Anderitum [ANDERITUM] to Revessium. The site is uncertain; but we may certainly assume that it was on the Elaver ( Allier), which is crossed on the road between Anderitum and Revessium.

8. The Table places a Condate between Etanna ( Yenne), on the Rhone, and Geneva. The site is supposed to be Seissel, at the junction of the Sierand the Rhone, in the territory of the Allobroges, and the Provincia or Gallia Narbonensis. [G.L]

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