
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CONDRU´SIT he Condrusi are mentioned by Caesar ( B. G. 2.4) with other tribes, as called by the general name of Germani. They were within the limits of the Belgae of Caesar, and joined the great Belgic confederation to oppose the Roman proconsul (B.C. 57). The Condrusi and Eburones were dependent on the Treviri ( B. G. 4.6.) The chief part of the territory of the Eburones was between the Mosa ( Maas) and the Rhine, and their neighbours on the north were the Menapii. The Segni and Condrusi were between the Eburones and Treviri. Their position is therefore fixed. A document of the middle ages places the Comitatus Condrustus, or Condorustus, between the Arduennenses and the Ripuarii; and the Ripuarii were on the Rhine. There is a district in the Pays de Liègestill called Condrozor Condrost, east of the Maas. D'Anville states that the archdeaconry of Condroz, in the bishopric of Liège, is along the Maas, on both sides of the Ourthe, which is not quite clear. Walckenaer makes the Condrusi extend on the east side of the Maasfrom Liègeto Dinant. Huy, on the east side of the Maas, about half way between Liègeand Namur, is the chief place in Condroz.

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