Corcyra Nigra

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CORCY´RA NIGRA(ἡ Μέλαινα Κόρκυρα: Curzola, in Slavonic Karkar), an island off the coast of Illyria, called the Black,from the dark colour of the pine woods covering its sides. It contained a Greek town, which was said to have been founded by the Cnidians. The island still abounds in trees, growing down to the water's edge: the proportion of land covered with wood is 43,471 acres, out of a total of 57,130. Of its ancient history we know nothing; a full account of its modern history and of the present condition of the island is given in the work of Sir G. Wilkinson, quoted below. (Strab. 2. p. 124, 7. p. 315; Mela, 2.7; Plin. Nat. 3.26. s. 30: Sir G. Wilkinson, Dalmatia and Montenegro, vol. 1. p. 251, seq.)