
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRATAEIS(Κραταιΐς), a small river of Bruttium, flowing near the Scyllaean promontory. It derived its name from a nymph Crataeis, who, according to Homer, was the mother of Scylla. (Hom. Od. 12.124; Ovid, Ov. Met. 13.749.) The river, which is mentioned only by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 10), and Solinus (Solin. 2.22), was probably a small stream which falls into the sea about 3 miles E. of Scilla, and is called the Fiume di Solano, from a village of that name, or Fiume dei Pesci. (Romanelli, vol. 1. p. 74.)

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