
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRYASSUS(Κρυασσός: Eth. Κρυασσεύς), a city of Caria, according to Stephanus (s. v.). It does not appear what his authority is; but Leake (Asia Minor, p. 225) assumes that it is Plutarch ( de Virt. Mul. ). Some critics further assume that Crya and Cryassus are the same place. The names, however, are distinct enough; and if there is only one place meant, we have two names. There is in the modern town of Ródosan inscription, in which both Chalce [CHALCE] and Cryassus are mentioned; and the inscription contains the feminine ethnic form Κρυασσίς, and so far confirms Stephanus. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 224, note.) If the old story is true (Polyaen. Strat. 8.64), Cryassus was a Carian city which some Melians seized, and killed the natives.