Cryptus Portus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CRYPTUS PORTUS(Κρυπτὸς λιμήν), at the straits of the Persian gulf (Ptol. 6.7), by some supposed to be represented by the modern Sohar. Mr. Forster maintains it to be identical with the Amithoscuta of Pliny, and finds it at Muscatin Omán. (Arabia, vol. ii. pp. 231—233.) Its name, the hidden harbour,is clearly descriptive, and it is descriptive exclusively of Muscat: for this port is represented, by the latest authorities, as so shut out from the sea by the rocks which encompass this noble harbour, that the first sight of the entrance is obtained only on the actual approach of the vessel in front of the basin before the town.Thus, Mr. Fraser says, the entrance is so little conspicuous, that a stranger unacquainted with the black rocks that surround it, would scarcely detect it, on arriving from sea.