
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DALMI´NIUM, DELMI´NIUM(Δαλμίνιον, Strab. 7. p. 315; Δελμίνιον, Ptol. 2.16.11; Δάλμιον, Steph. B.; Eustath. ad Dion. Perieg. 95), the ancient capital of Dalmatia, from which tie Dalmatians, after their separation from the other Illyrians, derived their name. (Appian, App. Ill. 11.) Though strongly fortified, it was taken by C. Figulus the consul, in B.C. 156, and was set on fire by means of a contrivance very much resembling the Greek fire of the middle ages. (Appian, l. c.) In B.C. 135, P. Scipio Nasica destroyed the walls and public buildings. (Strab. l. c.) After this, except in the notice of Ptolemy (l. c.), no more is heard of the city. The district in the neighbourhood was in later times called Dalen (Δαλέν, Const. Porph. de Adm. Imp. 100.30), and is the present plain of Dumnoor Davnoin the Herzegóvina, to the E. of Livno. (Schafarik, Slav. Alt. vol. 2. p. 267; Neigebauer, Die Sudslaven, p. 21.)