
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DOANAS(ὁ Δοάνας, Ptol. 7.2.7), a river in India extra Gangem, which there is some reason to suppose is represented by the present Irawaddyor river of Ava. It discharged its waters into what Ptolemy calls the Sinus Magnus. It appears, from Berghaus's map, that the modern Salvenbears the name of Djaoennear its embouchure, from which it might be inferred that this is the representative of the anciene Doanas. It seems, however, more likely that the Salvenis the Dorias of Ptolemy (Ptol. 7.2. § § 7, 11). The two rivers flowed in parallel lines from N. to S., and it is clear that the ancients had no accurate account of them. The Doanas appears to have been about a degree to the W. of the Dorias; and the two streams must have really entered the sea in the Sinus Sabaracus or Gulf of Martaban. Mannert and Reichard have both supposed that they were rivers of the Chersonesus Aurea.