
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DOBE´RUS(Δόβηρος, Steph. B.; Δήβορος, Διάβορος, Δούβηρος), a Paeonian town or district, which Sitalces reached after crossing Cercine, and where many troops and additional volunteers reached him, making up his full total. (Thuc. 2.98, 100.) Hierocles names Diaboros next to Idomene among the towns of the Consular Macedonia under the Byzantine empire; this, coupled with the statement of Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.13. 8.28) that it belonged to the Aestraei, would seem to show that Doberus was near the modern Doghirán.
The DOBERES(Δόβηρες, Doberi, Plin. Nat. 4.10) are described by Herodotus (Hdt. 7.113) as inhabiting, with the Paeoplae, the country to the N. of Mt. Pangaeum,—these being precisely the tribes whom he had before associated with the inhabitants of the Lake Prasias (5.16). Their position must, therefore, be sought to the E. of the Strymon: they shared Mt. Pangaeum with the Paeonians and Pierians, and dwelt probably on the N. side, where, in the time of the Roman empire, there was a mutatio,or place for changing horses, on the Via Egnatia, called DOMEROS,between Amphipolis and Philippi, 13 M. P. from the former and 19 M. P. from the latter. ( Itin. Hierosol.;comp. Tafel, de Via Egnat. p. 10.) (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. pp. 212, 444, 467.)