
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DRABESCUS(Δραβῆσκος, Strab. 7. p. 331; Steph. B.), a place where the Athenian colonists of Amphipolis were defeated by the Thracian Edoni. In the Peutinger Table (Daravescus) it is marked 12 M. P. to the NW. of Philippi, a situation which corresponds with the plain of Dhráma. The plain. of Drabescus is concealed from Amphipolis by the meeting of the lower heights of Pangaeum with those which enclose the plain to the NE. Through this: strait the ‘Anghistamakes its way to the lake; and thus there is a marked separation between the Strymonic plain and that which contains Drabescus and Philippi. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 3. p. 183.)