
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DRACO(Δράκων, a small river which enters the southern side of the bay of Astacus, in the Propontis. It runs from the high land north of the lake Ascania, near Nicaea, and enters the sea at the promontory of Dil, and near Helenopolis (Ersek). The Draco is a rapid river, with a winding course, which by its alluvium has formed the Dil. (Procop. de Aedif. 5.2.) Leake observes (Asia Minor, p. 10):—In riding from the Dilto Kizderweút(on the road to Nicaea, Iznik), I remarked that we traversed the river about twenty times, without being aware that Procopius has made precisely the same remark with regard to the Draco.

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