
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DU´RIUS(ὁ Δούριοςor Δουρίας, Strab. iii. pp. 153, foll.,162; Δόριος, Appian, Hisp. 72, 90; Δωρίας, Ptol. 2.5. § § 2, foil., Marc. Heracl. p. 43; Δώριος, Dio Cass.; Duria, Claudian. Laud. Seren. 72: Duero), one of the chief rivers of Hispania, rises in M. Idubeda ( Sierra de Urbion), among the Pelendones, flows W. through the Celtiberi and Vaccaei, and past the cities of Numantia and Seguntia, and falls into the. sea between Cale and Langobriga. Its lower course divided Lusitania on the S. from Hispania Tarraconensis on the N. Its whole length was estimated at 1370 stadia, of which 800 stadia, from its mouth upwards, were navigable for large vessels. (Strab. ll. cc.;Mela, 3.1. § § 7, 8; Plin. Nat. 4.20. s. 34). Its deposits contained gold (Sil. Ital.). Its chief tributaries were, on the right or N. side, the AREVA the PISORACA( Pisuerga), and the ASTURA( Esla); and on the left, the CUDA(Coa).

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