
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DURO´NIA a city of Samnium, mentioned only by Livy (Liv. 10.39), who tells us that it was taken by the Roman consul L. Papirius in B.C. 293; and from the amount of booty taken, and number of persons put to the sword, it would seem to have been a considerable town. Its site is supposed by Italian topographers to be occupied by a place called Civita Vecchia, 10 miles N. of Bojano(Bovianum), and 3 from Molise, beneath which flows a small stream, said to be still called the Durone, a tributary of the Trignoor Trinium. (Galanti, Descr. delle Due Sicil. lib. 9.100.4; Romanelli, vol. 2. p. 472.) This locality was, certainly that of an ancient city, but the evidence to connect it with Duronia is far from satisfactory.