
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DURO´NUM a town in North Gallia. The Antonine Itin. and the Table place Duronum between Bagacum ( Bavay) and Verbinum ( Vervins). The distance from Bagacum to Duronum is 12 Gallic leagues in the Itin., and 11 in the Table. Both authorities make it 10 from Duronum to Verbinum, The term Duronum indicates a place on a stream, and the place which corresponds to the position in the Itins. is Estreung la Chaussée, or Estrun Cauchie, as D'Anville writes it. The word Estrunis a corruption of Strata, one of the later Roman names for a road; and Cauchieor Chausséeis a corruption of the late Latin form Calceia.Before reaching Vervins, there is a place at the passage of the river Oisenamed Estrée-au-pont, a clear indication of the direction of the old road. Nothing is known of Duronum; but these remarks of D'Anville are useful in showing what are the indications of ancient roads in France. (D'Anville, Notice, &c.)