
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

DURO´STORUM, DURO´STOLUM(Δουρόστορον, Δουρόστολονor—ος), a place of Lower Moesia, on the southern bank of the Danube. It was an important town and fortress, in which, according to Ptolemy (Ptol. 3.10.10), the legio prima Italicawas stationed, while according to others, it was the headquarter of the legio XI. Claudia. Durostorum is also celabrated as the birthplace of Aëtius. (Jornand. Get. 43; comp. 115; Ammian. 27.4; Procop. De Aed. 4.7; Hierocl. p. 636; Theophyl. 1.8, 6.6; Itin. Ant. 223; Geogr. Ray. 4.7.)