
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

E´NEA(Ἐνέα). Strabo (p. 552) mentions three places, on the authority of Demetrius of Scepsis, in the neighbourhood of Scepsis and the Aesepus; and these places are: Enea, a village (κώμη), and Agyria and Alazia.In another passage Strabo (p. 602), on the same authority, says: On the right hand of the Aesepus, between Polichne and Palaescepsis, is the Nea Come and silver mines;and again he says that Palescepsis is distant 50 stadia from Aeneia, and 30 from the Aesepus.It is plain that Enea, Nea, and Aeneia, are all the same place, and therefore there is some error in Strabo's text. Groskurd ( Transl. Strab. vol. ii. pp. 480, 580, note) takes Ἐνέαto be the true name in the first of these passages; and Ἐνέαor Αἰνείαto be the true name in the second. He takes Enea to be the modern Eneor Einiéh, near the junction of two branches of the Mendere Chai. As to this point, see NEA and NEANDRIA