
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

EUPA´LIUM(Εὐπάλιον, Strab., Thuc.; in some edits. of Thuc. written Εὐπόλιον;Eupalium, Liv.; Εὐπαλία, Steph. B. s. v.;Eupalia, Plin. Nat. 4.3. s. 4: Eth. Εὐπαλιεύς), one of the chief towns of Western Locris, situated near the sea, and between Naupactus and Oeantheia. (Strab. 9. p. 427, 10. p. 450.) It was the place chosen by Demosthenes for the deposit of his plunder, in B.C. 426; and it was shortly afterwards taken by Eurylochus, the Spartan commander, along with Oeneon. (Thuc. 3.96, 102.) After the time of Alexander the Great, Eupalium fell into the hands of the Aetolians; and Philip, when he made a descent upon the Aetolian coast in B.C. 207, landed at Erythrae, which is described by Livy as near Eupalium. (Liv. 28.8.) This Erythrae was probably the port of Eupalium. Leake supposes Eupalium to have stood in the plain of Marathiá, opposite to the islands Trisóniaor Trazónia, where some ruins of an ancient city still exist on the eastern side of the plain, at no great distance from the sea. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. ii. pp. 617, 618.)

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