Flavia Caesariensis

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

FLAVIA CAESARIENSIS mentioned in the Notitiaas being a division of Britain under the superintendence of a praeses;the notice being as follows:—

Sub dispositions viri spectabilis, vicarii Britanniarum.


Maximae Caesariensis;



Britanniae Primae;

Britanniae Secundae;

Flaviae Caesariensis.

The other notice (for there are only two) is in Rufus Festus (Breviarium, 100.3): Sunt in Gallia cum Aquitania et Britanniis decem et octo provinciae . . . in Britannia, Maxima Caesariensis, Flavia, Britannia Prima, Britannia Secunda.
In the Map of the Monumenta Britannica, the province of Flavia Caesariensis is bounded by the (a) Thames, (b) Wales, (c) the Mersey, Don, and Humber, (d) the German Ocean; so that it comprises the midland and eastern counties and Lincolnshire.
The authority for these lines of demarcation is unsatisfactory. It is only probable,first, that the name was taken from the conquests made by FlaviusVespasianus; and secondly, that the area thus named was as aforesaid.

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