
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

GA´RGARA(Γάργαραor Γάργαρον), one of the heights of Mount Ida in Troas (Hom. Il. 8.48, 14.292), which continued to bear this name even in the time of Strabo (13. p. 583; comp. Plin. Nat. 5.32; Macrob. Sat. 5.20; Steph, B. s. v.). Its modern name is said to be Kazdag. (Walpole's Memoirs relating to Turkey, p. 120.) A town of the same name existed from early times upon that height, or rather on a branch of it forming a cape on the north of the bay of Adramyttium, between Antandrus and Assus. In the earliest times it is said to have been inhabited by Leleges, but afterwards to have received Aeolian colonists from Assus, and others from Miletupolis. (Strab. l. c.pp. 606, 610; Mela, 1.18; Ptol.5.2.5.) The name of this town is in some authors misspelt Ἰάργανον, as in Ptolemy, and Σάγαρα, as in Hierocles. The territory round Gargara was celebrated for its fertility. (Verg. G. 1.103; Senec. Phoen. 4.608.) The modern village of Inéprobably occupies the site of ancient Gargara.

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