
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

HEBRUS(Ἕβρος: Maritza), the principal river of Thrace, has its sources near the point where mount Scomius joins mount Rhodope, in the northwestern corner of Thrace. Its course at first has a south-eastern direction; but below Adrianopolis it takes a south-western turn, and continues to flow in that direction until it reaches the Aegaean near Aenos. (Thucyd. 2.96; Plin. Nat. 4.18; Aristot. Meteor. 1.13.) The tributaries of the Hebrus are so numerous and important, that it becomes navigable even at Philippolis, while near its mouth it becomes really a large river. (Hdt. 7.59.) Near its mouth it divides itself into two branches, the eastern one of which forms lake Stentoris. (Hdt. 7.58; Acropolita, p. 64.) The most important among its tributaries are the Suemus, Arda, Artiscus, Tonsus, and Agrianes. About Adrianople the basin of the Hebrus is very extensive; but south of that city it becomes narrower, the mountains on both sides approaching more closely to the river. During the winter the Hebrus is sometimes frozen over. (Comp. Hdt. 4.90; Plb. 34.13; Eurip. Here. Fur.386; Strab. vii. pp. 322, 329, 13. p. 590; Ptol. 3.11.2; Arrian, Arr. Anab. 1.11; Mela, 2.2; Virg. Eel. 10.65, Georg. 4.463, 524; Val. Flac. 2.515, 4.463, 8.228.)

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