Hippo Regius

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

HIPPO REGIUS(Ἱππὼν Βασιλικός: Ru. S. of Bonah), a maritime city of Numidia, which received its surname from its being a residence of the Numidian kings, but is of higher fame as the see of St. Augustine. It was a colony of Tyre, and stood 5 M. P. NW. of the river UBUS,on the W. side of a large bay to which it gave its name (HIPPONENSIS SINUS: Gulf of Bonah), as well as to the promontory above it, forming the W. headland of the bay (HIPPI PROMἽππου ακρα : Ras el Hamrah). It grew into greater importance under the Romans, by whom it was made a colony; and it continued to be one of the most flourishing cities of N. Africa, till it was destroyed by the Vandals in B.C. 430. It was during the progress of this siege that the great Augustine died. (Sal. Jug. 19; Hirt. Bell. Afr. 961; Strab. 17. p. 832; Mela, 1.7; Plin. Nat. 5.3. s. 2; Itin. Ant. p. 20; Tab. Peut.;Diod. 20.57; Sil. Ital., 3.259; Shaw, Travels in Barbary, p. 44; Barth, Wanderungen, &c. p. 70).