
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ILERGE´TES(Ἰλέργητες, Ptol. 2.6.68; Liv. 21.23, 61, 22.22; Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4; Ἰλουργήτες, Plb. 3.35) or ILE´RGETAE (Ἰλεργέται, Strab. 3. p. 161: doubtless the Ἰλεργέται, of Hecataeus, ap. Steph. B. s. v.), a people of Hispania Tarraconensis, extending on the N. of the Iberus ( Ebro) from the river GALLICUS( Gallego) to both banks of the SICORTS( Segre), and as far E. as the RUBRICATUS( Llobregat); and having for neighbours the EDETANI and CELTIBERI on the S., the VASCONES on the W., on the N. and NE. the small peoples at the foot of the Pyrenees, as the JACCETANI, CASTELLANI, AUSETANI,and CERRETANI and on the SE. the COSETANIB esides ILERDA their chief cities were:—the colony of CELSA( Velilla, near Xelsa), OSCA( Huesca), famous in the story of Sertorius; and ATHANAGIA which Livy (Liv. 21.61) makes their capital, but which no other writer names. On the great road from Italy into the N. of Spain, reckoning from Tarraco, stood ILERDA62 M. P.; TOLOUS32 M. P., in the conventus of Caesaraugusta, and with the civitas Romana (Plin.); PERTUSA18 M. P. (Pertusa, on the Alcanadre); OSCA19 M. P., whence it was 46 M. P. to Caesaraugusta ( Itin. Ant. p. 391).
On a loop of the same road, starting from Caesaraugusta, were:—GALLICUM15 M. P., on the river Gallicus ( Zunra, on the Gallego); BORTINAE,18 M. P. (Βουρτίνα, Ptol.: Torinos); OSCA12 M. P.; CAUS,29 M.P.; MENDICULEIA19 M. P. (probably Monzon); ILERDA22 M. P. ( Itin. Ant. pp. 451, 452). On the road from Caesaraugusta, up the valley of the Gallicus, to Benearnum ( Orthes) in Gallia, were, FORUM GALLORUM30 M. P. ( Gurrea), and EBELLINUM22 M. P. ( Beilo), whence it was 24 M. P. to the summit of the pass over the Pyrenees ( Itin. Ant. p. 452). Besides these places, Ptolemy mentions BERGUSIAΒεργουσία : Balaguer), on the Sicoris; BERGIDUM(Βέργιδον); ERGA(Ἔργα); SUCCOSA(Σουκκῶσα); GALLICA FLAVIA(Γάλλικα Φλαουία : Fraga?); and ORGIA(Ὠρκία, prob. Orgagna), a name also found on coins (Sestini, Med. Isp. p. 99), while the same coins bear the name of AESONES,and inscriptions found near the Sicoris have AESONENSIS and JESSONENSIS(Muratori, Nov. Thes. p. 1021, Nos. 2, 3; Spon, Misc. Erud. Ant. p. 188), with which the GESSORIENSES of Pliny may perhaps have some connection. BERSICAL is mentioned on coins (Sestini, p. 107), and OCTOGESA(prob. La Granja, at the confluence of the Segreand the Ebro) by Caesar ( B.C. 1.61; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. pp. 450—453).

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