
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

INDU´STRIA a town of Liguria, situated on the right bank of the Padus, about 20 miles below Turin. It is mentioned only by Pliny, who tells us that its ancient name was BODINCOMAGUS which he connects with Bodincus, the native name of the Padus [PADUS], and adds that it was at this point that river first attained a considerable depth. (Plin. Nat. 3.16. s. 20.) Its site (which was erroneously fixed by earlier writers at Casale) has been established beyond question at a place called Monteú di Po, a few miles below Cbivasso, but on the right bank of the river, where excavations have brought to light numerous coins and objects of ancient art, some of them of great beauty, as well as several inscriptions, which leave no doubt that the remains thus discovered are those of Industria. They also prove that it enjoyed municipal rank under the Roman empire. (Ricolvi e Rivautella, il sito dell' antica città d'Industria, dc., Torino. 1745,4to.; Millin, Voy. en Piémont, vol. i. pp. 308—311.)

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