
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A town of Messenia, mentioned by Homer (Hom. Il. 9.150,292), usually identified with the later Abia on the Messenian gulf. [ABIA]

2. Or EIRA(Εἶρα), a mountain in Messenia, which the Messenians fortified in the Second Messenian War, and which Aristomenes defended for ten years against the Spartans. It was in the north of Messenia, near the river Neda. Leake places it at no great distance from the sea, under the side of the mountain on which now stands Sidheroskastroand Mármaro;but there are no ancient remains in this spot. More to the east, on the left bank of the Neda, near Kalkalétri, are the remains of an ancient fortress, which was, in all probability, Eira; and the lofty mountain above, now called Tetrázi, was probably the highest summit of Mount Eira. (Paus. 4.17.10, 4.20. §§ 1. 5; Strab. 8. p. 360; Steph. B. s. v. Ἰρά;Leake, Morea, vol. 1. p. 486; Gell, Itiner. of the Morea, p. 84; Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, p. 95, seq.)

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