
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

KENITES(Κιναῖοι, LXX.), a semi-nomad tribe of Midianites, dwelling among the Amalekites. ( Gen. 15.19; Num.24.21; 1 Sam. 15.6.) Hobab (Jethro), the father-in-law of Moses, and Heber, the husband of Jael, who slew Sisera ( Judg. 1.16, 4.11), belonged to this race. The Rechabites are mentioned, with other families, as belonging to the Kenites. (1 Chron. 2.55; Jer. 35.2 ; Winer, s. v.;Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. xv. pp. 135—138; Ewald, Gesch. des Volkes Israel. vol. 1. p. 337, vol. 2. p. 31.)