
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LAMASBA(Itin. Ant. pp. 35, ter, 40: Lamasbua, Tab. Peut.), a city of the Massylii, in the interior of Numidia, near the confines of Mauretania, 62 M. P. from SITIFI and 62 from TAMUGADI.Lapie and D'Avezac identify it with Ain-Hazel, at the N. foot of the mountains of the Welled-Abd-en-Nour;but its site seems to agree better with the considerable ruins at Baitna, on the S. of those mountains, and W. of the M. Aurasius ( Jebel-Auress:Shaw, Travels, &c. p. 52 ; Pellissier, Exploration Scientifique de l' Algérie, vol. 6. p. 389).