
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LAMBER or LAMBRUS, a river of Northern Italy, in Gallia Transpadana, noticed by Pliny among the affluents of the Padus which join that river on its left or northern bank. (Plin. Nat. 3.19. s. 23.) It is still called the Lambro, and rises in a small lake called the Logo di Pusiano(the Eupilis Lacus of Pliny), from whence it flows within 3 miles of Milan, and enters the Poabout midway between the Ticinoand the Adda.Sidonius Apollinaris contrasts its stagnant and weedy stream ( ulvosum Lambrum) with the blue waters of the Addua. ( Ep. 1.5.) The Tabula as well as the Geographer of Ravenna give a town of the name of Lambrum, of which no trace is found elsewhere. It is probably a corruption of a station, Ad Lambrum, at the passage of the river of that name, though the Tabula erroneously transfers it to the S. side of the Padus. ( Tab. Pent.;Geogr. Rav. 4.30.)