
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEO´NTIUM(Λεόντιον: Eth. Λεοντήσιος), a town of Achaia, was originally not one of the 12 Achaean cities, though it afterwards became so, succeeding to the place of Rhypes. It is only mentioned by Polybius, and its position is uncertain. It must, however, have been an inland town, and was probably between Pharae and the territory of Aegium, since we find that the Eleians under the Aetolian general Euripidas, after marching through the territory of Pharae as far as that of Aegium, retreated to Leontium. Leake places it in the valley of the Selinus, between the territory of Tritaea and that of Aegium, at a place now called Ai Andhrea, from a ruined church of that saint near the village of Guzumistra. Callicrates, the partizan of the Romans daring the later days of the Achaean League, was a native of Leontium. (Plb. 2.41, 5.94, 26.1; Leake, Morea, vol. 3. p. 419.)

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