
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEPETYMNUS(Λεπέτυμνος, called Lepethymnus or Lepethymus by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.31. s. 39; the MSS. vary), a mountain in the northern part of Lesbos, near Methymna. Plehn states ( Lesbiac. Lib. p. 9) that it is the highest mountain in the island: but this does not appear to be consistent with modern surveys. Its present name is said to be Mont S. Theodore. The sepulchre and tomb of the hero Palamedes are alleged to have been here. (Tzetzes, Lycophr. Cassandr. 1095; Philostr. Heroic. p. 716, Vit. Apollon. Tyan. 4.13. 150, also 16. 154.) In Antigonus of Carystus (100.17) there is a story given, on the authority of Myrsilus the Lesbian, concerning a temple of Apollo and a shrine of the hero Lepetymnus, connected with the same mountain. Here, also, according to Theophrastus ( De Sign. Pluv. et Vent. p. 783, ed. Schneid.), an astronomer called Matricetas made his observations.