
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEPIDO´TON-POLIS (Λεπιδωτῶν ἢ Λεπιδωτὸν πόλις, Ptol. 4.5.72), a town in Upper Egypt, situated in the Panopolite nome, and on the eastern side of the Nile. It was about four geographical miles N. of Chenoboscia. Lat. 26° 2′ N. This was doubtless, the place at which Herodotus had heard that the fish lepidotuswas caught in great numbers, and even received divine honours (2.72; comp. Minutoli, p. 414; Champollion, l'Egypte, vol. 1. p. 248). Lepidoton-Polis was probably connected with the Osirian worship, for, according to the legend, Isis, in her search for the limbs of Osiris, who had been cut into pieces by Typhon, traversed the marshes in a boat made of papyrus ( Baris), and in whatsoever place she found a member, there she buried it. In the end she discovered all the limbs, excepting one, which had been devoured by the fishes phagrasand lepidotus.No remains of Lepidoton-Polis have been discovered.