
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LEUCATA a part of the coast of Gallia Narbonensis: ultra (lacum Rubresum) est Leucata, littoris nomen, et Salsulae Fons(Mela, 2.5). Mela seems to mean that there is a place Leucata, and that part of the coast is also called Leucata. This coast, according to D'Anville, is that, part south of Narbonne, which lies between the Étang de Sigeanand Salses. He conjectures, as De Valois had done, that the name may be Greek. He quotes Roger de Hoveden, who speaks of this coast under the name Leucate: quandam arenam protensam in mari, quae dicitur caput Leucate.The common name of this head is now Cap de la Franqui, which is the name of a small flat island, situated in the recess of the coast to the north of the cape. (D'Anville, Notice, &c., Leucata.)

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