
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

LONGANUS(Λογγανός), a river in the N. of Sicily, not far from Mylae ( Milazzo), celebrated for the victory of Hieron, king of Syracuse, over the Mamertines in B.C. 270 (Plb. 1.9; Diod. 22.13; Exc. H. p. 499, where the name is written Λοίτανος, but the same river is undoubtedly meant). Polybius describes it as in the plain of Mylae(ἐν τῷ Μυλαίῳ πεδίῳ), but it is impossible to say, with certainty, which of the small rivers that flow into the sea near that town is the one meant. The Fiume di Santa Lucia, about three miles southwest of Milazzo, has perhaps the best claim; though Cluverius fixes on the Flume di Castro Reale, a little more distant from that city. (Cluv. Sicil. p. 303.)

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