
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Μαίναλος,Strab. 8. p. 388; Schol. ad Apoll. Rhod. 1.769; Μαίναλον, Theocr. 1.123; τὸ Μαινάλιον ὄρος, Paus. 8.36.7; Maenalus, Verg. Ecl. 8.22; Mel. 2.3; Plin. Nat. 4.6. s. 10; Maenala, pl., Verg. Ecl. 10.55; Ov. Met. 1.216), a lofty mountain of Arcadia, forming the western boundary of the territories of Mantineia and Tegea. It was especially sacred to the god Pan, who is hence called Maenalius Deus (Ov. Fast. 4.650.) The inhabitants of the mountain fancied that they had frequently heard the god playing on his pipe. The two highest summits of the mountain are called at present Aidínand Apano-Khrépa:the latter is 5115 feet high. The mountain is at present covered with pines and firs; the chief pass through it is near the modern town of Tripolitza. —The Roman poets frequently use the adjectives Maenaliusand Maenalisas equivalent to Arcadian. Hence Maenalii versus, shepherds' songs, such as were usual in Arcadia (Verg. Ecl. 8.21); Maenalis ora, i.e. Arcadia (Ov. Fast. 3.84); Maenalisnympha, i. e. Carmenta (Ov. Fast. 1.634); Maenalis Ursa, and Maenalia Arctos, the constellation of the Bear, into which Callisto, daughter of Lycaon, king of Arcadia, was said to have been metamorphosed. (Ov. Tr. 3.11. 8, Fast. 2.192.)

2. (Μαίναλος: Eth. Μαινάλιος, Μαιναλίτης, Μαιναλεύς), a town of Arcadia, and the capital of the district Maenalia (Μαιναλία, Thuc. 5.64; Paus. 3.11.7, 6.7.9, 8.9.4), which formed part of the territory of Megalopolis upon the foundation of the latter city. A list of the towns in Maenalia is given in Vol. 1. p. 192. The town Maenalus was in ruins in the time of Pausanias, who mentions a temple of Athena, a stadium, and a hippodrome, as belonging to the place. (Paus. 8.3.4, 36.8; Steph. B. s. v.) Its site is uncertain. Ross supposes that the remains of polygonal walls on the isolated hill, on the right bank of the river Helisson and opposite the village Davià, represent Maenalus; and this appears more probable than the opinion of Leake, who identifies this site with Dipaea, and thinks that Maenalus stood on Mt. Apano-khrépa. (Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, vol. 1. p. 117; Leake, Morea, vol. 2. p. 52, Peloponnesiaca, p. 243.) [DIPAEA]

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