
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MAON(Μαών), a city of Judah, in the mountains, south of Hebron. It is joined with Carmel, and Ziph, and Juttah ( Josh. 15.55), known only as the residence of Nabal and Abigail (1 Sam. 25.2). The wilderness of Maon, in the plain on the south of Jeshimon,is identical with or contiguous to the wilderness of Ziph, where David and his men hid themselves in the strongholds from the malice of Saul (23.14—25). It is placed by Eusebius in the east of Daroma ( Onomast. s. v. ) Its site is marked by ruins, still called Mâin, situated between Carmeland Zuph, half an hour south of the former. [CARMELV ol. 1. p. 521.]