
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MAPHARITIS(Μαφαρῖτις), a district of Arabia Felix, lying about the city of Sava (Σαυή), which is placed by Arrian three days' journey from Muza, on the Red Sea. [MUZA] He mentions the king's name, Cholaebus (Χόλαιβος). ( Periplus Maris Eryth. p. 13.) The Sava of Arrian is probably identical with the Sapphara or Sapphar of Ptolemy (Σάπφαραal. Σαπφὰρ μητρόπολις, 6.7.41), the capital no doubt of a tribe named by him Sappharitae (Σαπφαριταί), the Mapharitis of Arrian. They are distinct from the MAPHORITAE of Ptolemy.