
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ME´DULI a Gallic people on the coast south of the Garumna ( Garonne). Ausonius ( Ep. 4) says to Theon :— Quum tamen exerces Medulorum in litore vitam.
He says in another Epistle to Theon ( Ep. 5) :— Unus Domnotoni te litore perferet aestusCondatem ad portum, si modo deproperes.
[As to this Condatis Portus, see CONDATEN o. 6.]
Ausonius ( Ep. 7) thanks Theon for sending him some of the oysters, equal to those of Baiae, which were fattened in the stagna Medulorum.The country of the Meduli corresponds to Médocin the French department of the Gironde.

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