
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MEDU´LLIA(Μεδυλλία: Eth. Μεδυλλῖνος, Medullinus), an ancient city of Latium, which is repeatedly mentioned in the early history of Rome; but, like many others, had disappeared at a comparatively early period. According to Dionysius it was one of the colonies of Alba; and Diodorus also includes it among the cities of which he ascribes the foundation to Latinus Silvius. (Dionys. 3.1; Diod. vii., ap. Euseb. Arm. p. 185.) We are told that it fell into the power of Romulus by the voluntary submission of the inhabitants after the fall of Crustumerium, and many of its citizens migrated to Rome, among whom was the father of Tullus Hostilius. (Dionys. 2.36, 3.1.) But in the reign of Ancus Marcius it was again conquered by the Latins, who held it for above three years, when the Roman king a second time reduced it. (Id. 3.38.) Livy, however, says nothing of this reconquest, but treats it throughout as a Latin city, and enumerates it among those of the Prisci Latini which were taken by Tarquinius Priscus (1.33, 38). At a somewhat later period it is mentioned for the last time, in B.C. 492, as abandoning the Roman alliance, and joining the Sabines. (Dionys. 6.34.) We have no account of the period of its destruction, but it is not noticed by any of the geographers, and Pliny tells us that it was no longer in existence in his time (3.5. s. 9).
The name of Medullia is found in Livy associated with those of Corniculum, Ficulea, Crustumerium, and Nomentum, of which the site is approximately known, as well as with Ameriola and Cameria, of which the position is as uncertain as that of Medullia itself. All three were probably situated in the neighbourhood of the cities just mentioned; but this is all that can be asserted with any confidence. Gell and Nibby have described the remains of an ancient city, at a spot called Marcellina, about 4 miles from Palomnbara, at the foot of the lofty Monte Gennaro, which the former writer supposes to be Medullia. The remains in question, consisting of considerable portions of walls of polygonal construction, enclosing a triangular area, are unquestionably those of an ancient city: but its identification is wholly uncertain; the situation would suit equally well for Cameria or Ameriola, as for Medullia. Nibby and Abeken would place the latter at S. Angelo di Capoccia, on the highest summit of the Corniculan hills; where there also remain ancient walls, supposed by Gell to be those of Corniculum itself. (Gell, Top. of Rome, pp. 312, 319; Nibby, Dintorni, vol. ii. pp. 293, 327; Abeken, M. I. p. 78.)

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