
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MEDUS(ὁ Μῆδος, Strab. 15. p. 729), a river of ancient Persis, which, according to Strabo, after taking its source in Media, flowed into the Araxes, which waters the plain of Persepolis. Curtius, however, in speaking of these rivers, makes the Araxes, which was the greater stream, flow into the Medus, which was the less (5.4.7). There can be no doubt, however, that Strabo is more correct than Curtius. The Medus is the small stream (now called the Pulwán) which flows past the remains of Pasargadae, Istakr, and Persepolis, and falls into the Araxes ( Kuror Bend-amír) a few miles below the last ruins. The united stream of the two rivers terminates in lake Bakhtegán, about 40 miles from Persepolis. (Fergusson, Ninev. and Persep. p. 90.)

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