
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MEGISTE(Μεγίστη), an island off the coast of Lycia, opposite to Antiphellus. It contained a town which, if the reading in Strabo (14. p. 666) be correct, was called Cisthene (Κισθήνη), but had perished before the time of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.35). There was also an excellent harbour, which appears to have been capable of containing a whole fleet. (Liv. 37.22; comp. Steph. B. s. v.,who calls the town Megiste; Ptol. 5.3.9; Scylax, p. 39.) The island, which derived its name from the fact that it is the largest of a group, is now called Kasteloryzo, or Castel Rosso. The island seems to have been colonised by the Rhodians, or at least to have been in their possession, for inscriptions found there are composed in the Doric dialect. There are but few remains of ancient buildings. (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 184; Fellows, Lycia, pp. 187, &c.)

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