
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MELODU´NUM(Melun), a town of the Senones in Gallia ( B. G. 7.58), on an island in the Sequana ( Seine). Though the termination dunseems originally to have signified a hill or height, it became a part of the name of some towns, which like Melodunum were not situated on any elevation. In the Antonine Itinerary Melodunum appears under the name Mecletum, and in the Table in the form Meteglum. The distance from Lutetia in the Itins. is 17 or 18 Gallic leagues. From Melodunum to Condate ( Montereau-sur-Yonne) is 15 Gallic leagues [CONDATEN o. 2]. The old Celtic town on the island was replaced by a castle, of which there are some remains. The present town of Melunis on the right bank of the Seine, about 28 miles from Parisby the road.
In the text of Caesar ( B. G. 7.58) there is a reading qui Metiosedo,where the common reading is qui a Meloduno.The same variation occurs in 100.60; and in 100.61 Metiosedum versusappears to be the received reading. A careful study of Caesar will satisfy any person that Melunis meant in all these passages, whether the true reading in Caesar's text is Melodunum, Metiosedum, or something else. Melodunum comes nearest to the modern form. Walckenaer places Metiosedum at the confluence of the Seineand Marne. The variety in the reading of this name appears also in the Itins., as shown above. The stratagem of Labienus on the Seine( B. G. 7.58, &c.) is explained in the article LUTETIA.

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